display_lib_USB13700.h File Reference

Data Structures

struct  DisplayInfo


#define DISPLAYLIB_API   _declspec(dllimport)
#define DISPLAYLIB_OK   1
#define EXPORT0_IO   1
#define EXPORT0_UART_I2C   2
#define EXPORT0_PWM_I2C   3
#define EXPORT0_UART_IO   4
#define EXPORT0_T6963C   5
#define EXPORT0_KS0108   6
#define EXPORT1_IO   1
#define EXPORT1_SPI_PWM   2
#define EXPORT1_SPI_IO   3
#define EXPORT1_T6963C   5
#define EXPORT1_KS0108   6
#define SPI_SSEL_AUTO   0
#define SPI_SSEL_BUFFER   1
#define SPI_SSEL_MANUAL   2
#define SPI_SSEL_LOW   0
#define SPI_SSEL_HIGH   1
#define OPEN_WITH_USERNAME   0x01


typedef unsigned int uint32_t
typedef unsigned char uint8_t


  PF_1BPP = 0, PF_2BPP, PF_4BPP, PF_8BPP,
  PF_16BPP, PF_32BPP
enum  FPSHIFT_DIV { DIV_4_1 = 0, DIV_8_1, DIV_16_1 }


DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_GetNumberOfDisplays (void)
 Returns the number of attached displays.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_GetDisplayConfiguration (uint32_t index, DisplayInfo *di)
 Get display configuration information for specified display.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_OpenDisplay (DisplayInfo *di, uint32_t flags)
 Open the display.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_CloseDisplay (DisplayInfo *di)
 Close the display.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_DrawScreen (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t *fb)
 Draw full screen image to the display.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_DrawRect (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t *fb, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
 Draw a rectangle area to the display.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_DrawRectFromScrBuf (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t *fb, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
 Draw a rectangle area to the display from a full screen sized buffer.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_SetBacklight (DisplayInfo *di, uint32_t onOff, uint32_t brightness)
 Set backlight values.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_SetDisplayLibOption (DisplayInfo *di, uint32_t option, uint32_t value)
 Set DisplayLib options.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_VersionInfo (uint32_t *libFWVer, uint32_t *libVer)
 Gets version information.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_WriteText (DisplayInfo *di, char *text, uint32_t size, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
 Writes text to the display.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_WriteS1D13700Command (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t cmd, uint32_t queue)
 Write S1D13700 command byte.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_WriteS1D13700DataByte (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t data, uint32_t queue)
 Write S1D13700 data byte.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_WriteS1D13700Data (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size, uint32_t queue)
 Write S1D13700 data bytes.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_WriteS1D13700ExecuteQueue (DisplayInfo *di)
 Write S1D13700 queue to the controller.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ClearS1D13700Queue (DisplayInfo *di)
 Clear S1D13700 queue.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_GetS1D13700QueueLength (DisplayInfo *di, uint32_t *length)
 Get S1D13700 queue length.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_SetS1D13700ClockDiv (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t DispClkDiv, uint8_t FPShiftDiv)
 Set S1D13700 clock dividers.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortConfig (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t port0, uint8_t port1)
 Configure expansion port function.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortIOConfig (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t port0Dir, uint8_t port1Dir)
 Configure expansion port in I/O port mode.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortIOSet (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t port0Mask, uint8_t port0, uint8_t port1Mask, uint8_t port1)
 Set port pins in I/O port mode.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortIOGet (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t *port0, uint8_t *port1)
 Get port pin state in I/O port mode.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortSPIConfig (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t frameLength, uint8_t frameFormat, uint8_t cpol, uint8_t cpha, uint8_t bitclock, uint8_t prescaler, uint8_t sselMode)
 Configure SPI settings in SPI mode.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortSPISend (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size)
 Send SPI data.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortSPIReceive (DisplayInfo *di, uint32_t *rcvData)
 Receive SPI data.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortSPISetSSEL (DisplayInfo *di, uint32_t ssel)
 Set SPI SSEL state.
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_SetStartupBitmap (DisplayInfo *di, char *bitmapFile)
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_SetupDisplayProperties (DisplayInfo *di)
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_UFW (DisplayInfo *di)
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_GetTouchScreenSample (DisplayInfo *di, uint32_t *x, uint32_t *y)
DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_SPI8Bit (DisplayInfo *di, uint8_t dc, uint8_t txData, uint8_t *rxData)

Define Documentation

#define DISPLAYLIB_API   _declspec(dllimport)

#define DISPLAYLIB_OK   1











#define EXPORT0_IO   1

#define EXPORT0_UART_I2C   2

#define EXPORT0_PWM_I2C   3

#define EXPORT0_UART_IO   4

#define EXPORT0_T6963C   5

#define EXPORT0_KS0108   6

#define EXPORT1_IO   1

#define EXPORT1_SPI_PWM   2

#define EXPORT1_SPI_IO   3


#define EXPORT1_T6963C   5

#define EXPORT1_KS0108   6

#define SPI_SSEL_AUTO   0

#define SPI_SSEL_BUFFER   1

#define SPI_SSEL_MANUAL   2

#define SPI_SSEL_LOW   0

#define SPI_SSEL_HIGH   1

#define OPEN_WITH_USERNAME   0x01

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned int uint32_t

typedef unsigned char uint8_t

Enumeration Type Documentation



Function Documentation

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_GetNumberOfDisplays ( void   ) 

Returns the number of attached displays.

This function returns the number of attached displays. Returns the number of all attached displays even if they are in use and not available.

Returns the number of displays attached.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_GetDisplayConfiguration ( uint32_t  index,
DisplayInfo di 

Get display configuration information for specified display.

index is the number of the display for which the information is read.
di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure where the information will be saved.
This function fills the configuration data structure for the display which index is given in parameter index.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if configuration was read successfully. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned. If the display is not available DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_OpenDisplay ( DisplayInfo di,
uint32_t  flags 

Open the display.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to open.
flags can be used to give options to the open command. Currently only supported flag is DISPLAYLIB_OPEN_WITH_USERNAME which uses the Username field from the DisplayInfo structure to open a display with specific user defined name. If no flags are given the default behavior is to open the first USB13700 display found.
This function opens the display and prepares it for further use.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if display was opened successfully. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_CloseDisplay ( DisplayInfo di  ) 

Close the display.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to close.
This function closes the display and frees any allocated resources.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if display was closed successfully. If supplied DisplayInfo structure is invalid DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_DrawScreen ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t fb 

Draw full screen image to the display.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
fb is a pointer to the buffer including the data to write to the display.
This function updates the full screen with data from the buffer. The buffer size has to be display width * display heigth bytes in size. One byte represents one pixel.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_DrawRect ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t fb,
uint32_t  x,
uint32_t  y,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height 

Draw a rectangle area to the display.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
fb is a pointer to the buffer including the data to write to the display.
This function updates an area on the screen with data from the buffer. The buffer size has to be area width * area heigth bytes in size. One byte represents one pixel. Area X coordinate has to be dividable by 8 and also the area width has to be dividable by 8.

Requires firmware version 0.9 or newer.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_DrawRectFromScrBuf ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t fb,
uint32_t  x,
uint32_t  y,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height 

Draw a rectangle area to the display from a full screen sized buffer.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
fb is a pointer to the buffer including the data to write to the display.
This function updates an area on the screen with data from the buffer. The buffer size has to be display width * display heigth bytes in size. One byte represents one pixel. Area X coordinate has to be dividable by 8 and also the area width has to be dividable by 8.

Requires firmware version 0.9 or newer.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_SetBacklight ( DisplayInfo di,
uint32_t  onOff,
uint32_t  brightness 

Set backlight values.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
onOff is the backlight state. 0 = OFF 1 = ON
brightness is the backlight brightness. (0-255)
This function sets the backlight values.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_SetDisplayLibOption ( DisplayInfo di,
uint32_t  option,
uint32_t  value 

Set DisplayLib options.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
option is the name of the option to set.
value is the value to set the option to.
This function sets the DisplayLib options. Currently supported option is DISPLAYLIB_INVERTMODE which has values DISPLAYLIB_TRUE or DISPLAYLIB_FALSE.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_VersionInfo ( uint32_t libFWVer,
uint32_t libVer 

Gets version information.

libFWVer is a pointer to unsigned integer where to store the DisplayLib firmware version.
libVer is a pointer to unsigned integer where to store the DisplayLib version.
This function gets version information for the DisplayLib.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_WriteText ( DisplayInfo di,
char *  text,
uint32_t  size,
uint32_t  x,
uint32_t  y 

Writes text to the display.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
text is a pointer to the string to write.
size is the length of the string.
x is the X position where to write the text.
y is the Y position where to write the text.
This function writes text on the display. Text is written on the S1D13700 character layer so the coordinates are also character coordinates. Character set is the S1D13700 character set and font size is 8x8 pixels.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_WriteS1D13700Command ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t  cmd,
uint32_t  queue 

Write S1D13700 command byte.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
cmd is the S1D13700 command byte.
queue determines if the queue functionality is used. 0 = no queue 1 = use queue
This function writes a S1D13700 command byte. For the S1D13700 commands and their usage refer to the S1D13700 data sheet. The queue option allows collecting more commands and data to a queue before sending them to the controller board. This helps with USB latency when writing many short data packets and in some situations can significantly improve performance. The queue buffer is automatically allocated as more data is placed in it.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_WriteS1D13700DataByte ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t  data,
uint32_t  queue 

Write S1D13700 data byte.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
data is the S1D13700 command byte.
queue determines if the queue functionality is used. 0 = no queue 1 = use queue
This function writes one S1D13700 data byte.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_WriteS1D13700Data ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t data,
uint32_t  size,
uint32_t  queue 

Write S1D13700 data bytes.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
data is a pointer to the buffer where the data is.
size is the number of data bytes to write.
queue determines if the queue functionality is used. 0 = no queue 1 = use queue
This function writes S1D13700 data bytes from a buffer. Useful when larger data blocks are written.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_WriteS1D13700ExecuteQueue ( DisplayInfo di  ) 

Write S1D13700 queue to the controller.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
This function writes the S1D13700 queue to the controller. Before calling this function none of the commands and data written with the WriteS1D13700Command, WriteS1D13700DataByte and WriteS1D13700Data functions are actually sent if the queue option was used. After calling this function the queue is again empty and new commands and data can be placed in it.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ClearS1D13700Queue ( DisplayInfo di  ) 

Clear S1D13700 queue.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
This function clears the S1D13700 command and data queue. After calling this function the queue is empty.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_GetS1D13700QueueLength ( DisplayInfo di,
uint32_t length 

Get S1D13700 queue length.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
length is a pointer to unsigned integer where to store the current queue length.
This function gets the S1D13700 queue length.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_SetS1D13700ClockDiv ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t  DispClkDiv,
uint8_t  FPShiftDiv 

Set S1D13700 clock dividers.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
DispClkDiv is the the divider for setting the S1D13700 clock.
FPShiftDiv is the S1D13700 internal divider.
This command allows settings the S1D13700 frequency settings on the fly. The settings are not saved so after powering off the controller the settings saved with the configuration tool are again used.

The formula for the clock is CLK = 30 Mhz / (DispClkDiv + 1)

DispClkDiv : Clock frequency

  • 1 : 15 MHz
  • 2 : 10 MHz
  • 3 : 7.5 MHz
  • 4 : 6 MHz
  • 5 : 5 MHz
  • 6 : 4.29 MHz
  • 7 : 3.75 MHz
  • 8 : 3.33 MHz
  • 9 : 3 MHz
  • 10 : 2.73 MHz

FPShiftDiv supports values

  • 0 - 4:1
  • 1 - 8:1
  • 2 - 16:1

Requires firmware version 0.9 or newer.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortConfig ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t  port0,
uint8_t  port1 

Configure expansion port function.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
port0 is the function to set for the 6-bit PORT0.
port1 is the function to set for the 8-bit PORT1.
Sets the expansion port functionality. There are total 14 pins available that have been divided in one 6 pin port (PORT0) and one 8 pin port (PORT1).


  • bit 0 - expansion connector pin 6
  • bit 1 - expansion connector pin 5
  • bit 2 - expansion connector pin 13 (open drain)
  • bit 3 - expansion connector pin 14 (open drain)
  • bit 4 - expansion connector pin 16 (open drain)
  • bit 5 - expansion connector pin 17 (open drain)


  • bit 0 - expansion connector pin 18
  • bit 1 - expansion connector pin 12
  • bit 2 - expansion connector pin 11
  • bit 3 - expansion connector pin 9
  • bit 4 - expansion connector pin 10
  • bit 5 - expansion connector pin 7
  • bit 6 - expansion connector pin 4
  • bit 7 - expansion connector pin 3

Currently supported configurations for PORT0:


Currently supported configurations for PORT1:


Requires firmware version 0.9 or newer.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortIOConfig ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t  port0Dir,
uint8_t  port1Dir 

Configure expansion port in I/O port mode.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
port0Dir is the direction mask to set for the 6-bit PORT0.
port1Dir is the direction mask to set for the 8-bit PORT1.
Sets the expansion port I/O port direction in I/O mode. Set a bit to 1 to configure it as an output. If the port is not configured in I/O mode setting the direction has no effect.

Requires firmware version 0.9 or newer.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortIOSet ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t  port0Mask,
uint8_t  port0,
uint8_t  port1Mask,
uint8_t  port1 

Set port pins in I/O port mode.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
port0Mask is the mask for PORT0.
port0 is the data to write to PORT0.
port1Mask is the mask for PORT1.
port1 is the data to write to PORT1.
Sets the expansion port I/O port pins in I/O mode. If the port is not configured in I/O mode setting the pins has no effect. Both ports have mask bytes. Set the mask to all 0's to not update the port.

Requires firmware version 0.9 or newer.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortIOGet ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t port0,
uint8_t port1 

Get port pin state in I/O port mode.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
port0 is a pointer to unsigned char where to store the PORT0 state.
port1 is a pointer to unsigned char where to store the PORT1 state.
Reads the expansion port I/O pins in I/O mode.

Requires firmware version 0.9 or newer.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortSPIConfig ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t  frameLength,
uint8_t  frameFormat,
uint8_t  cpol,
uint8_t  cpha,
uint8_t  bitclock,
uint8_t  prescaler,
uint8_t  sselMode 

Configure SPI settings in SPI mode.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
frameLength is the SPI frame length in bits. (3 to 15)
frameFormat is the serial frame format. (set to 0 for SPI)
cpol is the SPI clock polarity. (0 or 1)
cpha is the SPI clock phase. (0 or 1)
bitclock is the SPI clock divider.
prescaler is the SPI clock prescaler. (2 to 254)
sselMode is the SPI SSEL mode.
Configures SPI settings in SPI mode. If the port is not configured to SPI mode these settings have no effect. Frame lengths supported are 4 to 16 bits. Bitrate is calculated using formula 60000000 / (prescaler * [bitclock+1]).

SSEL modes supported are

    • This is the mode normally used. SSEL is handled automatically for every frame.
    • In this mode SSEL gets asserted before writing the buffer and after all frames in the buffer have been written SSEL is deasserted. During writing the buffer SSEL stays asserted.
    • SSEL needs to be controlled manually using ExPortSPISetSSEL().

Possible options for frameFormat

  • 0 : SPI (only one officially supported for now)
  • 1 : SSI
  • 2 : Microwire

Requires firmware version 0.9 or newer.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortSPISend ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t data,
uint32_t  size 

Send SPI data.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
data is a pointer to the buffer where the data is.
size is the number of data bytes to write.
Sends SPI data. If SPI frame size is configured to 8 bits or smaller one byte per frame is used from the buffer. If frame size is 9 to 16 bits one SPI frame is constructed from 2 bytes from the buffer.

Requires firmware version 0.9 or newer.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortSPIReceive ( DisplayInfo di,
uint32_t rcvData 

Receive SPI data.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
rcvData is a pointer to unsigned integer where to store the SPI frame received.
Receives one SPI frame.

Requires firmware version 0.9 or newer.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_ExPortSPISetSSEL ( DisplayInfo di,
uint32_t  ssel 

Set SPI SSEL state.

di is a pointer to the DisplayInfo structure of the display to use.
ssel is the SSEL pin state. (SPI_SSEL_LOW or SPI_SSEL_HIGH)
Sets the SPI SSEL pin state manually. SPI SSEL mode needs to be configured to SPI_SSEL_MANUAL for this to work.

Requires firmware version 0.9 or newer.

Returns DISPLAYLIB_OK if success. In case of a failure DISPLAYLIB_ERROR is returned.

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_SetStartupBitmap ( DisplayInfo di,
char *  bitmapFile 

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_SetupDisplayProperties ( DisplayInfo di  ) 

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_UFW ( DisplayInfo di  ) 

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_GetTouchScreenSample ( DisplayInfo di,
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y 

DISPLAYLIB_API int _stdcall DisplayLib_SPI8Bit ( DisplayInfo di,
uint8_t  dc,
uint8_t  txData,
uint8_t rxData 

Generated on Thu Jun 26 00:05:25 2008 for USB13700 API by  doxygen 1.5.5